1 March 2024
A du’a of ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (radiyallahu ‘anhu)
Question Is this du'a authentic to recite on the night of the 15th of Sha'ban? اللهم يا ذا المن ولا يمن عليه، يا ذا الجلال والإكرام، يا ذا الطول والإنعام. لا إله إلا أنت ظهر اللاجئين، وجار…
6 December 2023
Stay in the company of an ascetic and one who engages in less worldly chatter
Question Kindly advise on the authenticity of this Hadith: When you see a servant of Allah who is disinclined from this world and who speaks little (worldly talks), then remain in the company of this…
24 March 2023
Two Surahs recommended by Imam Ghazali to recite after eating
Question Imam Ghazali (rahimahullah) has mentioned two short surahs to read after eating, Surah Ikhlas and Surah Quraysh. Is this authentic?
10 February 2023
The ink of the scholars in comparison to the blood of the martyrs
Question Kindly mention whether the following Hadith is suitable to quote: «يوزن يوم القيامة مداد العلماء ودم الشهداء، فيرجح مداد العلماء على دم الشهداء» “On the day of judgement, the ink of the…
24 August 2022
Wear a turban to increase your tolerance and forbearance
Question Is this Hadith authentic? «اعتموا تزدادوا حلما»
1 April 2022
The incident wherein Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) ordered a Sahabi to recite tasbih for ease in sustenance
Question I want to know the authenticity of this Hadith. Can we recite this Tasbih as mentioned in this Hadith? Once a companion (Sahabi) came to Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and said the…
23 February 2022
A narration attributed to ‘Ali (radiyallahu ‘anhu) regarding six deeds to attain Jannah
Question Are these words authentically attributed to Sayyiduna 'Ali (radiyallahu 'anhu)? روي عن علي بن أبي طالب كرم الله وجهه أنه قال من جمع ست خصال لم يدع للجنة مطلبا ولا عن النار مهربا أولها من عرف…
6 December 2021
A narration on music
Question Is the following narration regarding music authentic? What is the reference from the books of Hadith? Kindly translate the narration as well. استماع الملاهي معصية والجلوس عليها فسق والتلذذ…
15 October 2021
A narration stating the virtue of reciting one hundred salutations on Friday
Question Is this narration authentic? من صلى علي ليلة الجمعة أو يوم الجمعة مئة مرة غفر الله له خطيئة ثمانين سنة Whoever sends one hundred salutations [durud] upon me on the eve of Friday or on…
11 October 2021
The death of a scholar
Question What is the status of the following narration? موت العالم مصيبة لا تجبر وثلمة لا تسد وهو نجمٌ طُمِس وموت قبيلة أيسر لي من موت عالم……
22 September 2021
A query regarding reciting “Subhanallahil ‘Azimi Wa Bi Hamdihi” after Salah
Question What is the reference for this narration? Whoever recites this du'a "Subhanallahil 'Azimi Wa Bi Hamdihi" after every Salah, one hundred thousand [100 000] of his sins will be forgiven and…
9 September 2021
Another query regarding Abu Bakr (radiyallahu ‘anhu) donating all of his wealth
Question Is the story about Sayyiduna Abu Bakr (radiyallahu 'anhu) giving everything in the path of Allah and he had to wear leaves and use thorns as clothing correct to mention?
4 June 2021
Verily this Din [religion] is solid
Question Kindly provide the authenticity of the following narration: إن هذا الدين متين، فأوغل فيه برفق، ولا تبغّض إلي نفسك عبادة الله تعالى، فإن المُنبَتَّ لا أرضا قطع، ولا ظهرا أبقى……
16 April 2021
Sayyiduna ‘Umar’s (radiyallahu ‘anhu) advice regarding women and fancy garments
Question Has the following statement been authentically attributed to Sayyiduna ‘Umar (radiyallahu ‘anhu)? Sayyiduna ‘Umar (radiyallahu ‘anhu) said: "Strip the women of their [fancy] clothes [and]…
7 April 2021
‘Aaishah’s (radiyallahu ‘anha) statement regarding women attending the Masjid
Question I came across a narration in Ihya 'Ulumid Din that 'Aaishah (radiyallahu 'anha) said: "If the Prophet only knew of the misdeeds that women would bring about after his time, he would have…