21 June 2019
A Hadith on offering Salah with shoes
Question Could you kindly provide me the authenticity and commentary of the following Hadith: Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Act differently from the Jews, for they do not pray in…
20 June 2019
Sitting and drinking water
Question Looking at the narrations below, what is the Sunnah? To stand and drink, or to sit whilst drinking? a) Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam) said "No person should stand and drink water,…
21 May 2019
A narration regarding looking into the Quran while in Salah
Question In a Hadith it is stated that Dhakwan, the slave of Sayyidah 'Aaishah (radiyallahu 'anha) used to look inside the Mushaf [Quran] and lead her in Salah. What does this mean?
16 May 2019
The definition of ghibah (backbiting) in Hadith
Question What is the definition of ghibah (backbiting) in Hadith?
14 May 2019
Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) was sent to humanity, regardless of race
Question Is there any reason why people are referred to as 'احمر' and 'اسود' as in the following Hadith? بعثت إلى كل أحمر وأسود
13 May 2019
Meaning of the Hadith ‘I was assisted through fear’
Question Muhammad (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "I have been made successful through terror." Sahih Bukhari Is the reference and the translation correct?
9 May 2019
Clarification on the link of a Hadith to the chapter in Sahih Muslim
Question In Sahih Muslim, what is the link of the following Hadith to the chapter 'باب نسخ الوضوء مما مست النار': أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم شرب لبنا ثم دعا بماء فتمضمض وقال إن له دسما……
6 May 2019
Explanation of part of a du’a
Question What is the explanation of the following part of the du'a: واجعله الوارث منا
6 May 2019
Pronunciation of the Hadith on gifting
Question What is the correct pronunciation of the following Hadith? تهادوا تحابوا Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Give gifts to each other, you will love each other"
1 May 2019
Meaning of part of a Hadith regarding the occurrences of the Day of Qiyamah
Question What is the explanation of the following words in the lengthy Hadith: حتى أن بعضهم ليكاد أن ينقلب عن أبي سعيد الخدري، أن ناسا في زمن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قالوا: يا رسول الله، هل نرى…
25 April 2019
Explanation of the Hadith on true modesty
Question رواه الترمذي عن عبد الله بن مسعود قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: "استحيوا من الله حق الحياء. قال: قلنا: يا رسول الله، إنا نستحي والحمد لله، قال: ليس ذاك، ولكن الاستحياء من الله حق…
25 April 2019
Nabi’s (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) reply when questioned regarding khilafah
Question What is the commentary of the following narration ? عن علي قال: قيل يا رسول الله من نؤمّر بعدك؟ قال: إن تؤمّروا أبا بكر تجدوه أمينا زاهدا في الدنيا راغبا في الآخرة وإن تؤمّروا عمر تجدوه قويا…
16 April 2019
Those who will not enter Jannah early
Question In the following Hadith, what does خب mean? لا يدخل الجنة خب
10 April 2019
Another explanation of the Hadith regarding ‘A man will be rewarded for giving his wife something to drink’
Question I have heard from a Scholar that the following Hadith refers to sexual intercourse with one's wife. Is this a legitimate explanation? Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "When a…